
My parents destroyed my life by making my sister the favorite and treating me like the unwanted child.

1 dic 2024 · 34 min. 19 sec.
My parents destroyed my life by making my sister the favorite and treating me like the unwanted child.

Summary:An 18-year-old recounts their painful childhood experience of being overshadowed by their sister, the "golden child," as their parents exhibited extreme favoritism. The poster describes being treated as an unwanted...

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Summary:An 18-year-old recounts their painful childhood experience of being overshadowed by their sister, the "golden child," as their parents exhibited extreme favoritism. The poster describes being treated as an unwanted child and forced into roles like a babysitter, with key events like their 11th birthday deeply highlighting this dynamic.Hashtags:#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydynamics #toxicparents #favoritism #childhoodtrauma #mentalhealthSEO Tags:redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, familyfavoritism, toxicfamily, goldenchildsyndrome, unwantedchild, entitledparents, siblingsfavoritism, mentalhealtheffects, toxicparenting, childhoodpain, reddittrauma, goldenchildvsforgottenchild, familyneglect, personalstory, redditpost
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