MIVIDA Beauty Ice Globes

8 mar 2022 · 10 min. 49 sec.
MIVIDA Beauty Ice Globes

Ash Brown decided to try a new product and she was so delighted that she did! MiVida Beauty Ice Globes are now a nightly addition to her skin routine. She...

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Ash Brown decided to try a new product and she was so delighted that she did! MiVida Beauty Ice Globes are now a nightly addition to her skin routine. She caught up with the founders to uncover the root of the company, how they created this product and what’s next for them.

Web: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BZZNBH8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_DPKEX3FYHCHHD58DZ0BF

Amazon Search: Mivida Beaut

Follow: @mivida_beauty

About Product:
HOW TO USE Place tools in a bowl in the freezer for up to two hours (or longer) to allow gel inside to freeze before facial treatment. Once ready, the ice globes will retain the cold for multiple hours. For more sensitive skin types, the fridge or a bowl of cold water or ice may be the best start before upgrading to the freezer method.

BENEFITS Tightening of pores and size. Oxygenates the skin. Aids in reduction of puffiness, fine lines, and wrinkles. Stimulates circulation and encourages lymphatic drainage. Helps soothe headaches.

OUR PRODUCT Unlike some cryo sticks, also known as ice globes, our product is made from 304 stainless steel and is non-breakable unlike the glass versions offered by others. They can be placed in both fridge or freezer without concern of shattering. Each tool is equipped with a custom made ergonomic removable handle like no other on the market.

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Ash Brown is a gifted American producer, blogger, speaker, media personality and event emcee. The blog on AshSaidit.com showcases exclusive event invites, product reviews and so much more. Her motivational podcast "Ash Said It Daily" is available on major media platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio & Google Podcasts. This program has over half a million streams worldwide. She uses these mediums to motivate & encourage her audience in the most powerful way. She keeps it real!
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Autore The Ash Said It® Show
Organizzazione The Ash Said It Show
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