Mbe na Ejula (The Tortoise and the Snail) - Part 2

9 mar 2023 · 5 min. 5 sec.
Mbe na Ejula (The Tortoise and the Snail) - Part 2

Last time, I told you about Mbe na Ejula, that is Tortoise and the snail and how Mbe killed the Queen and covered her corpse after meeting the soothsayer. I...

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Last time, I told you about Mbe na Ejula, that is Tortoise and the snail and how Mbe killed the Queen and covered her corpse after meeting the soothsayer. I am sure you want to hear the rest of the story. I will tell you all about it (break)
When he had done this, he went back to his friend – Ejula – and said to him, “Get your rifle, let go –a- hunting for monkeys have destroyed the maize on my farm”. On hearing this, Ejula greatly rejoiced, walked briskly into the house and took up his rifle, hung his hunting bag on his neck and picked up his hunting dog and off they went.
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Autore Africa Business Radio
Organizzazione Africa Business Radio
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