Lost and Found: A Snowy Adventure of Friendship

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Lost and Found: A Snowy Adventure of Friendship
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Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Lost and Found: A Snowy Adventure of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2025-01-16-23-34-02-et Story Transcript: Et: Koolibussi uksed avanesid ja õpilased...
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Story Transcript:
Et: Koolibussi uksed avanesid ja õpilased astusid välja kargesse talvisesse metsa.
En: The school bus doors opened, and the students stepped out into the crisp talvine forest.
Et: Igale poole ulatus pehme valge lumi, millel päike mängleva kergusega sillerdas.
En: Everywhere stretched the soft white snow, shimmering playfully in the sunlight.
Et: Kert tõmbas kopsud täis värsket õhku ja naeratas.
En: Kert took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled.
Et: Talle meeldis olla looduses.
En: He loved being in nature.
Et: Maarja, tema kaaslane, oli aga valmis võistlust alustama.
En: Maarja, his companion, was ready to start the competition.
Et: Ta tõotas endale, et võidab tänase väljakutse iga hinna eest.
En: She vowed to herself to win today's challenge at any cost.
Et: "Me peame leidma need asjad," hüüdis Maarja entusiastlikult, kui õpetaja jagas ülesannete lehti.
En: "We need to find these items," shouted Maarja enthusiastically as the teacher handed out the assignment sheets.
Et: Üks esemetes oli haruldane käbi, mis pidi asuma sügaval metsas.
En: One of the items was a rare cone that was said to be deep in the forest.
Et: Kert soovis väga just selle käbi leida ja sellest kõigile rääkida.
En: Kert was very eager to find just that cone and tell everyone about it.
Et: Aga kuidas seda lumega kaetud metsas üles leida?
En: But how to find it in the snow-covered forest?
Et: Maarja tormas edasi, tema energiast nakatunud teised jooksid tema järel.
En: Maarja dashed forward, and the others, infected by her energy, ran after her.
Et: Kert jälgis neid mõne hetke, kuid otsustas lõpuks omaenda teed minna.
En: Kert watched them for a moment but eventually decided to go his own way.
Et: Ta teadis metsa hästi, ja usaldas oma vaistu.
En: He knew the forest well and trusted his instincts.
Et: Sammudes sügavamale metsa, märkis ta, kuidas lumi krudises tema jalge all ja tuul mängis puude okstel.
En: As he stepped deeper into the forest, he noted the snow crunching under his feet and how the wind played in the branches of the trees.
Et: Metsas olid jäljed, kuid lumi oli peitnud palju rohkem kui näha oli.
En: There were tracks in the forest, but the snow had hidden much more than was visible.
Et: Kert imetles hetkeks talveilu.
En: Kert admired the winter beauty for a moment.
Et: Korraga leidis ta end vaiksemast metsasopist, kuhu teised polnud jõudnud.
En: Suddenly he found himself in a quieter part of the forest where the others hadn't reached.
Et: Seal, suurte kuuskede all, lebas otsitu - haruldane käbi.
En: There, under the large spruces, lay the sought-after rare cone.
Et: Tema rõõm oli aga lühiajaline.
En: However, his joy was short-lived.
Et: Metsi ulatus varjudega kattudes mõistis Kert, et on eksinud.
En: As the shadows spread across the forest, Kert realized he was lost.
Et: Päike langes kiirelt ja varjud venitasid ennast veelgi pikemaks.
En: The sun was setting quickly, and the shadows stretched even longer.
Et: Kert tundis paanikat.
En: Kert felt a surge of panic.
Et: Maarja oli samal ajal otsustanud teda jälitada.
En: Meanwhile, Maarja had decided to follow him.
Et: Ta mõistis, et Kert oleks võimeline midagi erilist avastama.
En: She realized Kert might be capable of discovering something special.
Et: GPS-iga telefon taskus, leidis ta Kerti ja tema haruldase leiu.
En: With a GPS-equipped phone in her pocket, she found Kert and his rare find.
Et: "Näe, sa leidsid selle!"
En: "Look, you found it!"
Et: lausus Maarja, kui nad telefonist teed otsisid.
En: said Maarja as they searched for their way back using the phone.
Et: Kert hingas kergendatult, kui mäletes, et pole üksi.
En: Kert breathed a sigh of relief, remembering he was not alone.
Et: Koos liikusid nad tagasi teiste juurde, hoides kallist leidu peopesal nagu varandust.
En: Together, they moved back to the others, holding the precious find in their palms like a treasure.
Et: Kui nad jõudsid gruppi, esitlesid Kert ja Maarja uhkusega leitud käbi.
En: When they reached the group, Kert and Maarja proudly presented the found cone.
Et: Kert oli saanud oma soovitud lugupidamise ja mõistis, kui tähtis on koostöö.
En: Kert had gained the respect he desired and realized the importance of cooperation.
Et: Maarja õppis, et ühiselt leitud rõõm on väärt rohkem kui ainuüksi võidetud võistlus.
En: Maarja learned that shared joy is worth more than a victory won alone.
Et: Hiljem, kui lapsed bussi astusid, lõi nende nägudel rahulolutundest helge naeratus.
En: Later, as the children stepped onto the bus, their faces shone with satisfied smiles.
Et: Mets oli küll külm, kuid süda soojalt täis head sõprust.
En: The forest was cold, but their hearts were warmly filled with good friendship.
Vocabulary Words:
- crisp: karge
- shimmering: sillerda
- vowed: tõotas
- enthusiastically: entusiastlikult
- assignment: ülesanne
- rare: haruldane
- eager: soovis
- companions: kaaslane
- tracks: jäljed
- admired: imetles
- sop: sopp
- shadows: varjud
- surged: tõusis
- capable: võimeline
- GPS-equipped: GPS-iga
- breathed: hingas
- precious: kallis
- treasure: varandus
- respect: lugupidamine
- cooperation: koostöö
- victory: võistlus
- satisfied: rahulolu
- shone: lõi
- companionship: sõprus
- wind: tuul
- instincts: vaistu
- discovery: avastama
- gulp: tõmbas
- gently: mängleva
- bustled: tormas
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.com |
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