
Look At The Competition | Week 14 Preview

5 dic 2024 · 1 h 19 min. 36 sec.
Look At The Competition | Week 14 Preview

Week 14 in the NFL is upon us, and ITERZ is here to get you ready for a week of big and intriguing games. It all kicks off tonight with...

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Week 14 in the NFL is upon us, and ITERZ is here to get you ready for a week of big and intriguing games. It all kicks off tonight with a great battle in the NFC North; and the Philly fans should have their eyes glued to it.
Erik and Matt preview tonight's big Packers vs Lions game then dive into their Week 14 picks. After their selections; they take a deeper look into the Panthers vs Eagles game. Could this be a potential trap game for the Birds?

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Autore Erik Williams
Organizzazione Erik Williams
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