
Look Around The Confederation S4 E16-CiC Candidate Interview

22 giu 2024 · 1 h 9 min. 49 sec.
Look Around The Confederation S4 E16-CiC Candidate Interview

We have Lt. Commander-in-Chief Walter D. (Donnie) Kennedy on to talk about his platform as he is running for Commander-in-Chief. Lt. CiC Kennedy as also been Past Commander of three...

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We have Lt. Commander-in-Chief Walter D. (Donnie) Kennedy on to talk about his platform as he is running for Commander-in-Chief. Lt. CiC Kennedy as also been Past Commander of three SCV Camps,Past Commander, Louisiana Division SCV, Councilman Army Trans-Mississippi, 1994-96, Chief of Heritage Operations, 2018 to 2022, and Lt. Commander-in-Chief, 2022-24. Commander Kennedy is a life member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and is best known as the co-author, along with his twin brother, of several pro-South books. The most notable book the Kennedy Twins have written is “The South Was Right.” He has received special recognition awards from the SCV's Commander-in-Chief, including the Robert E. Lee Medal and the Jefferson Davis Chalice/Medal.
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