Lead the future: Anne Høj Schibsbye / Vestas

10 dic 2020 · 32 min. 26 sec.
Lead the future: Anne Høj Schibsbye / Vestas

Lead the Future is a podcast produced by Above & Beyond Group inspiring you with stories and advice from top women leaders in the field of STEM: science, technology, engineering...

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Lead the Future is a podcast produced by Above & Beyond Group inspiring you with stories and advice from top women leaders in the field of STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

In this episode we find out what it takes to excel at Vestas, one of the world’s largest wind turbine companies and a global leader in sustainable energy solutions. We visit Anne Høj Schibsbye who heads up the procurement area for Nacelle & Hub. Anne shares her leadership journey and explains why following your passion and staying flexible and authentic is the surest way to success.

Learn more about our events and role models on leadthefuture.dk or on Instagram @lead_thefuture
In 2018 Above & Beyond Group launched the Lead the Future role model campaign in partnership with the Danish Ministry of Equal Opportunities. As of 2020 the Lead the Future partners are The Central Bank of Denmark, Coloplast, Maersk, Orsted, PwC, SAP, Vestas, Teknologipagten, Teknologisk Institut and IUM.
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