Laborers are needed E2S1

30 lug 2024 · 14 min. 59 sec.
Laborers are needed E2S1

Mission is the heartbeat of God. Evangelism is our task. Laborers are few and more are needed to help the mission to be accomplished. The three categories of laborers needed...

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Mission is the heartbeat of God. Evangelism is our task. Laborers are few and more are needed to help the mission to be accomplished. The three categories of laborers needed are; 1. The seed sowers, 2. The intercessors and 3. The missions financiers.
It is dangerous to lack laborers because souls are perishing, and we're delaying the coming of the kingdom of God.
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Autore Mfon Hilary
Organizzazione Mfon Hilary
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