Kate Kunkle Interviews - GEOFF PALMER - Strength and Stamina with Whole Plant Foods

13 nov 2022 · 37 min. 14 sec.
Kate Kunkle Interviews - GEOFF PALMER - Strength and Stamina with Whole Plant Foods

In this week’s show, vegan bodybuilder Geoff Palmer shares his years of experience so we can understand how to be stronger and healthier with a whole foods, vegan diet. In...

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In this week’s show, vegan bodybuilder Geoff Palmer shares his years of experience so we can understand how to be stronger and healthier with a whole foods, vegan diet.

In a special bonus segment, Geoff and Kate chatted about Alzheimer’s disease specifically. What he shares is somewhat shocking information about the formation of the plaques and tangles that cause Alzheimer’s disease, and how a common nutrient disrupts the negative cognitive effects. (at 32:17)

For more information, check out these links: Study: “Nutrients and bioactives in green leafy vegetables and cognitive decline:

Prospective study Link: https://n.neurology.org/content/90/3/e214

Study: Link between Alzheimer’s disease and gut microbiota is confirmed” Link: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/644207
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Autore The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network
Organizzazione The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network
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