Karen Kataline on “Dems willing to destroy themselves" & “Hate Filled Left" (ep#3-21/20)

20 mar 2020 · 41 min. 55 sec.
Karen Kataline on “Dems willing to destroy themselves" & “Hate Filled Left" (ep#3-21/20)

Karen Kataline is a columnist and talk show host of Spouting Off , a live, internet, call-in show featuring politics, pop culture, and psychology. Her op-eds have appeared at Investor’s...

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Karen Kataline is a columnist and talk show host of Spouting Off , a live, internet, call-in show featuring politics, pop culture, and psychology. Her op-eds have appeared at Investor’s Business Journal, Town Hall, The Daily Caller, Western Journal, and The American Thinker. She is the author of Fatlash! Food Police & Fear of Thin, a personal account of her own child beauty pageants, food restrictions, and her “stage door mother on steroids”. She will examine how “Democrats are willing to destroy themselves to destroy Trump”, and “The Hate Filled Left Lecturing us about Hate.”. “Spouting Off” is now heard Fridays @ 1:00 Eastern. www.KarenKataline.com

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