Jordi's Epiphany: Balancing Dreams and Duty at La Boqueria

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Jordi's Epiphany: Balancing Dreams and Duty at La Boqueria
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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Jordi's Epiphany: Balancing Dreams and Duty at La Boqueria Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: El mercat de la...
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Story Transcript:
Ca: El mercat de la Boqueria bullia d'activitat.
En: The mercat de la Boqueria was buzzing with activity.
Ca: L'aire d'hivern era fred, però l'alè càlid dels venedors i compradors omplia l'espai de vida.
En: The winter air was cold, but the warm breath of the vendors and buyers filled the space with life.
Ca: A la parada de fruites i verdures de la família de Jordi, les pomes lluïen com joies polides, les taronges eren globus de color, i els plàtans penjaven com grans somriures.
En: At the parada de fruites i verdures of la família de Jordi, the apples gleamed like polished jewels, the oranges were colorful balloons, and the bananas hung like big smiles.
Ca: Era l'Epifania, i la gent es preparava per fer les seves compres finals per a les celebracions.
En: It was l'Epifania, and people were making their final purchases for the celebrations.
Ca: Jordi, un jove de cabell castany i ulls inquiets, estava darrere del taulell.
En: Jordi, a young man with brown hair and restless eyes, was behind the counter.
Ca: Sabia que havia de demostrar-se a si mateix que podia gestionar la parada durant el bullici festiu.
En: He knew he had to prove to himself that he could manage the stall during the festive hustle and bustle.
Ca: Però en el fons del cor, Jordi estava insegur sobre ser el futur d'aquest negoci familiar.
En: But deep down, Jordi was uncertain about being the future of this family business.
Ca: Tenia altres somnis, els quals mantenia en silenci.
En: He had other dreams, which he kept silent.
Ca: A la parada del costat, Núria, una venedora experimented i amb un somriure franc, observava a Jordi manejar amb nervis el seu primer gran encàrrec.
En: At the stall next to his, Núria, an experienced vendor with a genuine smile, watched Jordi nervously handle his first large order.
Ca: "Jordi!", va cridar Núria mentre atenia a un client.
En: "Jordi!" called out Núria while attending to a customer.
Ca: "Recorda, mantingues els preus. No et deixis arrossegar pels regatejos."
En: "Remember, hold onto the prices. Don't get swept away by the haggling."
Ca: Jordi va mig somriure, agraït pel suport de Núria.
En: Jordi half-smiled, grateful for Núria's support.
Ca: Però, just quan estava a punt d'anar a ajudar un client, va arribar Pere.
En: But just as he was about to go help a customer, Pere arrived.
Ca: Era un client habitual, conegut tant pel seu bon humor com per la seva habilitat per regatejar fins al darrer cèntim.
En: He was a regular customer, known for both his good humor and his skill at bargaining down to the last cent.
Ca: “Pere, bon dia!”, va intentar ser entusiasta Jordi.
En: "Pere, bon dia!" Jordi tried to be enthusiastic.
Ca: Pere va anar dret al gra.
En: Pere got straight to the point.
Ca: “Quin preu per aquestes mandarines?”, va preguntar amb una mirada jocosa.
En: "What's the price for these mandarins?" he asked with a playful look.
Ca: Jordi va recordar les paraules de Núria.
En: Jordi remembered Núria's words.
Ca: Va decidir ser ferm.
En: He decided to be firm.
Ca: "Les mandarines avui són a dos euros el quilo", va dir Jordi, intentant sonar segur.
En: "The mandarins today are two euros per kilo," Jordi said, trying to sound confident.
Ca: Pere va somriure i va proposar un preu inferior, mentre altres clients esperaven.
En: Pere smiled and offered a lower price, while other customers waited.
Ca: Jordi va sentir la pressió augmentar, la cua creixia i la paciència minvava.
En: Jordi felt the pressure increase, the line was growing, and patience was dwindling.
Ca: Els consells de Núria li ballaven al cap, però també volia mantenir els clients contents.
En: Núria's advice danced in his head, but he also wanted to keep the customers happy.
Ca: En aquell moment crucial, Jordi va decidir barrejar les seves idees amb l'experiència de Núria.
En: In that crucial moment, Jordi decided to blend his own ideas with Núria's experience.
Ca: "Pere, t'estimo com a client de molts anys", va començar Jordi amb sinceritat.
En: "Pere, I value you as a long-time customer," Jordi began sincerely.
Ca: “A tu et puc oferir un descompte especial... però són temps de festa, suportem també els preus.”
En: "For you, I can offer a special discount... but it's festive times, let's stick to the prices."
Ca: Pere va riure, impressionat per l'honestedat del jove venedor.
En: Pere laughed, impressed by the young vendor's honesty.
Ca: "D'acord, ni més ni menys!", va acceptar finalment Pere, content amb la transacció.
En: "Alright, no more, no less!" Pere finally agreed, happy with the transaction.
Ca: Amb aquest gest, Jordi va guanyar no només una venda, sinó també la confiança que podia gestionar les complicacions del mercat.
En: With this gesture, Jordi gained not only a sale but also the confidence that he could handle the market's complications.
Ca: Al final del dia, la parada de Jordi brillava amb menys productes, però amb major satisfacció.
En: By the end of the day, Jordi's stall shone with fewer products but with greater satisfaction.
Ca: Mentre el mercat començava a tancar, Jordi es va adonar que potser no estava decidit a seguir aquest camí per sempre.
En: As the market began to close, Jordi realized that perhaps he wasn't determined to follow this path forever.
Ca: Però també va saber que, si mai venia el moment, estava preparat per assumir el repte.
En: But he also knew that, if the time ever came, he was ready to take on the challenge.
Ca: Potser la seva vida podria prendre moltes direccions, però ara sabia navegar entre elles amb equilibri.
En: Maybe his life could take many directions, but now he knew how to navigate them with balance.
Ca: I això, de moment, era suficient.
En: And that, for the moment, was enough.
Vocabulary Words:
- the vendor: el venedor
- the buyer: el comprador
- uneasy: inquiet
- the stall: la parada
- to stir: bullir
- to gleam: lluir
- the jewel: la joia
- the balloon: el globus
- the hustle: el bullici
- to prove: demostrar-se
- restless: inquiet
- the counter: el taulell
- to handle: gestionar
- to haggle: regatejar
- the advice: el consell
- dwindling: minvant
- to impress: impressionar
- genuine: franc
- experienced: experimentat
- the order: l'encàrrec
- to blend: barrejar
- the discount: el descompte
- honesty: l'honestedat
- the transaction: la transacció
- complications: complicacions
- the satisfaction: la satisfacció
- to close: tancar
- to realize: adonar-se
- to assume: assumir
- balance: equilibri
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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