
Issue 548: Deadpool & Wolverine Spoiler Review & RDJ is Doctor Doom

31 lug 2024 · 1 h 8 min. 44 sec.
Issue 548: Deadpool & Wolverine Spoiler Review & RDJ is Doctor Doom

Wow, so that was an interesting weekend. The guys are diving into full spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine but first they give their initial thoughts on Robert Downey Jr. returning...

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Wow, so that was an interesting weekend. The guys are diving into full spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine but first they give their initial thoughts on Robert Downey Jr. returning to the MCU as Doctor Doom. Find out why they're not too thrilled about the prospect of a RDJ Doctor Doom. 

Introductions - (00:01:56)
Robert Downey Jr. is Doctor Doom - (00:04:02)
Deadpool & Wolverine Spoiler Review - (00:31:00)
Goodbyes - (01:07:59)

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Autore Brad Gilmore
Organizzazione Gilmore Media, LLC
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