I Quit Trying to Fit Into a Traditional Lifestyle

8 feb 2023 · 35 min. 23 sec.
I Quit Trying to Fit Into a Traditional Lifestyle

I remember being a little girl and learning about the lifestyle that I, as a member of society, should strive to have. For a while, I tried to force myself...

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I remember being a little girl and learning about the lifestyle that I, as a member of society, should strive to have. For a while, I tried to force myself into having and embracing it all; getting the degree, landing the 9-5 job, having weekends off, having the big wedding... but I learned the hard way that I was never meant to be 'traditional'.

In this episode, I discuss my decision to leave the traditional lifestyle behind and create a life that truly works for me both in my work and in my family life.

So go ahead and get cozy, grab something yummy, and let's get into it 💖

If you're looking for ways to dive deeper into your self-love journey? I have the resource for you! Click HERE to grab a copy of From Surviving to Thriving: A workbook to help you navigate and sustain your self-love journey.
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Autore Christine Fiorini
Organizzazione Christine Fiorini
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