
I Ghosted with My Unfaithful Girlfriend, and She Got Her Affair Partner to Threaten Me with Harm

8 nov 2024 · 10 min. 9 sec.
I Ghosted with My Unfaithful Girlfriend, and She Got Her Affair Partner to Threaten Me with Harm

#redditstories #askreddit #aita #relationshipdrama #toxicrelationships #cheatingrevenge #movingon #betrayalSummary: I supported my girlfriend through tough times, only to find she was cheating with a coworker. When I cut ties, she had...

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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #relationshipdrama #toxicrelationships #cheatingrevenge #movingon #betrayalSummary: I supported my girlfriend through tough times, only to find she was cheating with a coworker. When I cut ties, she had her new partner threaten me and spread false abuse accusations. Now, I'm working to heal and move on, despite their continued harassment and lies.Tags: redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, cheatinggirlfriend, toxicrelationship, relationshipadvice, toxicex, revengeplan, heartbreakstory, infidelityproblems, breakuplife, movingon, abusiveex, toxicdrama, threatsinrelationships, noempathy, leavingthepast, datingstruggles
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