How can you recognize signs of mental health issues in babies?

18 set 2023 · 32 min. 58 sec.
How can you recognize signs of mental health issues in babies?

In the second episode of Ask the Doctor, Dr. Uri Yatzkar, head of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Center at the Ziv Medical Center, and Dr. Tali Bretler Zager, head...

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In the second episode of Ask the Doctor, Dr. Uri Yatzkar, head of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Center at the Ziv Medical Center, and Dr. Tali Bretler Zager, head of the Inpatient Adolescent Psychiatric Unit at Ziv, discuss:

  • How you can recognize signs of mental health issues in infants and toddlers
  • Why early intervention is crucial to treat mental health among children and teenagers.
  • How COVID impacted young people’s mental health.
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