Honesty vs. Transparency in Relationships: Is There a Difference?

10 nov 2024 · 23 min. 1 sec.
Honesty vs. Transparency in Relationships:  Is There a Difference?

In this thought-provoking episode, we unpack the subtle yet powerful difference between honesty and transparency. Honesty means telling the truth when asked—but transparency takes it a step further. We’ll share...

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In this thought-provoking episode, we unpack the subtle yet powerful difference between honesty and transparency. Honesty means telling the truth when asked—but transparency takes it a step further. We’ll share how choosing transparency has shaped our journey in non-monogamy, fostering security and reducing misunderstandings. Join us as we explore real-life scenarios, share strategies for open communication, and discuss the emotional impact of each approach. 
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Autore Sophie & Brit
Organizzazione Sophie
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