Home Improvement for the Soul - Episode 14 "From Wall Street to Wisdomkeeper 1"

11 ott 2023 · 34 min. 18 sec.
Home Improvement for the Soul - Episode 14 "From Wall Street to Wisdomkeeper 1"

On this episode of Home Improvement for the Soul Paula Jennings, Sound Healer and Kundalini Yoga Instructor talks with host Maddi Cheers about the ups and downs of her personal...

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On this episode of Home Improvement for the Soul Paula Jennings, Sound Healer and Kundalini Yoga Instructor talks with host Maddi Cheers about the ups and downs of her personal journey from Ireland to the U. S. and how those experiences can inform others on their road to transformation. Home Improvement for the Soul is recorded at Paradise Studios NY and available via the Strong Island Entertainment Network - www.strongisland.com

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Organizzazione Strong Island Entertainment
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