
Hiroshima: The Day the World Changed

6 ago 2024 · 4 min. 36 sec.
Hiroshima: The Day the World Changed

Join us as we journey back to the fateful day that forever altered the course of history - the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Explore the scientific...

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Join us as we journey back to the fateful day that forever altered the course of history - the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Explore the scientific breakthroughs behind the bomb, the ethical dilemmas faced by its creators, and the devastating human cost of this unprecedented weapon. Discover the enduring legacy of Hiroshima and the lessons it holds for our world today. This thought-provoking episode of Understand All will leave you pondering the power and responsibility of science in shaping our future.
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Autore Aaron Barlow
Organizzazione Aaron Barlow
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