Hillary says it's a child!, Abortion, Lying politicians, College whiners, & Safe spaces

5 apr 2016 · 54 min. 19 sec.
Hillary says it's a child!, Abortion, Lying politicians, College whiners, & Safe spaces

Hillary says it's a child!, Abortion, Lying politicians, College whiners, & Safe spaces Hillary‬ calls the unborn a ‪‎child‬. And all the ‪Liberals‬ ‪GASP‬! But don't worry, they don't have...

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Hillary says it's a child!, Abortion, Lying politicians, College whiners, & Safe spaces

Hillary‬ calls the unborn a ‪‎child‬. And all the ‪Liberals‬ ‪GASP‬! But don't worry, they don't have rights until the minute they are born.


Political activist, Kimberly Morin, joins Joe to discuss recent news events that you probably won't hear anywhere else.

Speaking of abortion... Planned Parenthood has no business on school campuses. Legalizing abortions meant they were to be safe and rare, not another form of birth control.

Anyone else notice how Trump team used Clinton tactics to deflect the incident where Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was accused of grabbing reporter Michelle Fields. Nothing like victimizing the victim.

Portland State University (PSU) shut down a Board of Trustees meeting supposedly protesting a tuition hike, but quickly devolved into allegations of racism. Doesn't everything?

And don't forget, over at Porland Community College, they're celebarting Whiteness History Month (it's not what you think!)

People aren't just co-opting words anymore. Now they're actually making them up and forcing us to live by them!
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