
Hacking SaaS: An Insider's Guide to Managing Software Business Success

8 dic 2024 · 19 min. 20 sec.
Hacking SaaS: An Insider's Guide to Managing Software Business Success

The Book is an excerpt from "Hacking SaaS: An Insider’s Guide to Managing Software Business Success," a book written by Eric Mersch, an experienced CFO with a long career in...

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The Book is an excerpt from "Hacking SaaS: An Insider’s Guide to Managing Software Business Success," a book written by Eric Mersch, an experienced CFO with a long career in the subscription software industry. The book aims to be a comprehensive resource for SaaS professionals, covering everything from the fundamentals of the SaaS business model to advanced metrics and strategies for managing growth, profitability, and customer acquisition. It also includes case studies of successful SaaS companies and insights into specific industry-centric SaaS models, such as horizontal SaaS and vertical SaaS.

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