
Gypsy Rose and Dee Dee Blanchard

6 mar 2023 · 54 min. 38 sec.
Gypsy Rose and Dee Dee Blanchard

14 June 2015. Dee Dee Blanchard, a 48 year old woman, was found dead in her house in Springfield, Missouri and her very sick daughter Gypsy Rose was missing. Everyone...

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14 June 2015. Dee Dee Blanchard, a 48 year old woman, was found dead in her house in Springfield, Missouri and her very sick daughter Gypsy Rose was missing.
Everyone were very worried for the health conditions of the girl, especially because her wheelchairs were still at the house and no medication seemed to be missing from the big medication closet, in the bathroom.
Police said to the press “things are not always as they appear”.
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Autore Irene Locci
Organizzazione Irene Locci
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