
Globe and Herald Reporters in the Rachael Rollins' Election Scandal

21 mag 2023 · 33 min. 15 sec.
Globe and Herald Reporters in the Rachael Rollins' Election Scandal

Rachael Rollins announced her resignation as U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts amid two scathing ethics reports. Among the findings, Rollins interfered in an election and attempted to smear a political candidate....

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Rachael Rollins announced her resignation as U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts amid two scathing ethics reports. Among the findings, Rollins interfered in an election and attempted to smear a political candidate. Hear the role that Boston Globe & Boston Herald reporters played in Rollins' scheme. --- Support this podcast:
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Autore The KnowGood Podcast
Organizzazione Miche Anni (KnowGoodWriter)
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