Give Me a Pen!! Miss Kiane, The Authentic Poet

25 ott 2022 · 1 h 28 sec.
Give Me a Pen!! Miss Kiane, The Authentic Poet

If you are questioning who you are, perhaps you’ll find the authentic you nestled between your fingers in a pen held in your hand. Miss Kiane believes there would be...

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If you are questioning who you are, perhaps you’ll find the authentic you nestled between your fingers in a pen held in your hand. Miss Kiane believes there would be less violence, sickness, and chaos if people learned to put their emotions on paper, to write what they are seeing and feeling. Wherever she goes, Miss Kiane exudes creativity, inspiration, and authenticity. Rosa Parks is her grandmother’s first cousin, her father of the Ashanti tribe; she’s part of a strong lineage of women who are pioneers, leaders, and warriors. She uses the strength of her voice to address social injustices and effectuate change within the community – this is Miss Kiane (pronounced cayenne).

Miss Kiane is an author, performer, facilitator, and entrepreneur who loves everything artsy. She’s a native of Queens, New York, born to an African American mother and a West African father. So she enjoys the benefits of a diverse and rich cultural background. Much of this shows in her creative writing, performances, and presentations. As a performer, Miss Kiane has shared her poetry in several venues, including Busboys and Poets, Alice’s Jazz and Cultural Center, Storytellers, The Synergy Center, and several faith-based settings. She earned a master’s in Social Work from Howard University and a BA in Psychology and used her skills as a trained social worker to address injustices through the arts.

She has produced a CD project, Permanent Impression: Poetries & Melodies, and a poetry video, “Hearing and Seeing.” She’s has authored two chapbooks; Think on These Things and Syncopated Hearts. Miss Kiane is also the owner of Kiane Ink Healing in the Pen, LLC, a creative arts company that uses poetry and creative expression as a platform for hope, healing, and social change.
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Autore Dr. Cecelia Martin
Organizzazione Dr. Cecelia Martin
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