
From The Archives: The Unsolicited Advice Offered By Alan Dershowitz To Bryan Kohberger

14 ago 2024 · 13 min. 56 sec.
From The Archives:  The Unsolicited Advice Offered By Alan Dershowitz To Bryan Kohberger

Alan "I kept my underpants on" Dershowitz has never met a degenerate he didn't feel the need to defend. From Jeffrey Epstein to OJ Simpson, he has been at the...

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Alan "I kept my underpants on" Dershowitz has never met a degenerate he didn't feel the need to defend. From Jeffrey Epstein to OJ Simpson, he has been at the forefront of the all start defense teams we have seen time and time again. He has also faced his own share of criticism and allegations due to his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.

In this episode, Dershowitz lays out what a possible defense strategy for Bryan Kohberger might look like, and even the king of defending the undefendable, Alan Dershowitz is struggling to put forth a logical, winning defense.

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Autore Bobby Capucci
Organizzazione Bobby Capucci
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