
From The Archives: Bryan Kohberger And His Time In The Pennsylvania Lock Up

14 ago 2024 · 11 min. 4 sec.
From The Archives:  Bryan Kohberger And His Time In The Pennsylvania Lock Up

There were some wild rumors about Bryan Kohberger's stay in the Pennsylvania lock up, but they didn't turn out to be true. However, there were some sources who relayed a...

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There were some wild rumors about Bryan Kohberger's stay in the Pennsylvania lock up, but they didn't turn out to be true. However, there were some sources who relayed a few of the dietary requests made by Kohberger were met by the jail.

In this episode, we take a look at Bryan Kohberger's few days in the Pennsylvania lock up as he awaited extradition to Idaho.

(commercial at 7:02)

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Bryan Kohberger makes tasteless joke in Pennsylvania prison: report | Fox News
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Autore Bobby Capucci
Organizzazione Bobby Capucci
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