Former Mississippi House Representative, Erik R. Fleming

14 dic 2022 · 1 h 3 min. 4 sec.
Former Mississippi House Representative, Erik R. Fleming

The Raphael Warnock - Herschel Walker circus, the startling 50 million dollars raised for Warnock in 4 weeks, and why Stacy Abrams lost her second gubernatorial bid, we discuss it...

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The Raphael Warnock - Herschel Walker circus, the startling 50 million dollars raised for Warnock in 4 weeks, and why Stacy Abrams lost her second gubernatorial bid, we discuss it all! Former Mississippi House Representative Erik Flemings breaks down the blood sport of politics.

Robert Fleming is an American politician who was a member of the Mississippi House of Representatives and represented the 72nd District for nearly a decade. Erik Fleming is also the former Director of Policy with the American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi. He became Deputy Sheriff with the Fulton County Sheriff's Office in Georgia. Although he no longer serves in office, Erik Fleming continues in politics and is an advocate for the causes of African Americans through his politically charged podcast, "A Moment with Erik Fleming."
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Autore Dr. Cecelia Martin
Organizzazione Dr. Cecelia Martin
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