
Figure Eights (A Music Podcast) - Episode 53 w_ Matthew Caws (Nada Surf)

25 ott 2021 · 57 min. 7 sec.
Figure Eights (A Music Podcast) - Episode 53 w_ Matthew Caws (Nada Surf)

Join me as I chat with Matthew Caws. Matthew is the singer/songwriter/guitarist of Nada Surf. He takes me through their early career, meeting Ric Ocasek of the Cars, having an...

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Join me as I chat with Matthew Caws. Matthew is the singer/songwriter/guitarist of Nada Surf. He takes me through their early career, meeting Ric Ocasek of the Cars, having an MTV hit, Elektra and keeping the train rolling for all of these years. Wonderful conversation. Make sure to pick up a ticket for their upcoming tour.
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Autore Figure Eights (A Music Podcast
Organizzazione Figure Eights (A Music Podcast
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