Exploring Hidden Paths: Meiling's Great Wall Adventure

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Exploring Hidden Paths: Meiling's Great Wall Adventure
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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Exploring Hidden Paths: Meiling's Great Wall Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-01-05-23-34-02-zh Story Transcript: Zh: 梅岭是一个充满好奇心的女生。 En: Meiling is a...
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Story Transcript:
Zh: 梅岭是一个充满好奇心的女生。
En: Meiling is a girl full of curiosity.
Zh: 今天,她和同学们参加了学校组织的长城冬季旅行。
En: Today, she and her classmates participated in a winter trip organized by the school to the Great Wall.
Zh: 长城在冬日的大地上静静地延伸,白雪覆盖的山丘仿佛披上了银色衣裳。
En: The Great Wall quietly stretches across the winter landscape, and the snow-covered hills seem to wear silver robes.
Zh: 空气干冷,偶尔传来同学们的欢笑声,打破了冬日的寂静。
En: The air is dry and cold, and occasionally, the laughter of classmates breaks the winter silence.
Zh: 梅岭和好友国威,还有班长小兰走在一起。
En: Meiling walked together with her friends Guowei and the class monitor Xiaolan.
Zh: 小兰一边走一边查看时间,确保大家按计划走完路线。
En: Xiaolan kept checking the time as they walked, ensuring everyone finished the route as planned.
Zh: 梅岭看着长城,不禁联想到过去的历史故事,她心中燃起想要探索更多的愿望。
En: Watching the Great Wall, Meiling couldn't help but associate it with historical stories from the past, sparking her desire to explore more.
Zh: “国威,小兰,”梅岭悄声说,“我们能不能去那边的小路看看?那一定有不一样的风景。”
En: "Guowei, Xiaolan," Meiling whispered, "Can we go see that little path over there? There must be a different view."
Zh: 国威摇摇头,有些担心地说:“我们还是跟大家走吧,万一迷路了怎么办?”
En: Guowei shook his head, looking a bit worried: "We'd better stick with the group. What if we get lost?"
Zh: 小兰听见他们的谈话,皱起眉头:“这次不行,我们的时间很紧。大家都得按计划行动。”
En: Xiaolan overheard their conversation and frowned: "Not this time. We're on a tight schedule. Everyone needs to stick to the plan."
Zh: 梅岭心有不甘,但没有再争辩。
En: Meiling felt reluctant but did not argue further.
Zh: 队伍继续前进,梅岭心神不宁地走着,直到一个岔路口。
En: The group continued forward, and Meiling was restless as they walked until they reached a fork in the road.
Zh: 她看到一个安静的小道,心中那股想要探索的渴望又涌上来。
En: She saw a quiet little path, and her longing to explore surged once again.
Zh: “国威,我知道你担心安全,但我们可以试一下,很快就回来。”梅岭请求道,期盼他的支持。
En: "Guowei, I know you're worried about safety, but we can try it and be back soon," Meiling pleaded, hoping for his support.
Zh: 国威犹豫了一下,终于点点头。
En: Guowei hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.
Zh: 他们告诉小兰先走,自己很快就会赶上去。
En: They told Xiaolan to go ahead, assuring her they would catch up soon.
Zh: 小兰不太愿意,但还是答应了。
En: Xiaolan was reluctant but agreed.
Zh: 梅岭和国威沿着小道走去,那里几乎没有脚印,显得格外安详。
En: Meiling and Guowei walked along the path, where there were almost no footprints, making it unusually peaceful.
Zh: 突然,开始下起雪来,柔软的雪花迅速覆盖所有,把整个世界都变得纯白静谧。
En: Suddenly, it began to snow, and the soft snowflakes quickly covered everything, turning the world pure white and serene.
Zh: 他们走着,突然看到一段长城,几乎没有被游客踏过,残墙断垣仿佛在诉说千年的故事。
En: As they walked, they suddenly saw a section of the Great Wall scarcely visited by tourists, with crumbling walls telling stories of a thousand years.
Zh: 梅岭在这片未曾触碰的土地上感受到时间的流逝,历史的厚重,她的心里充满敬意。
En: Meiling felt the passage of time and the weight of history in this untouched land, filling her heart with reverence.
Zh: 当他们想要返回时,雪越来越大,路很难分辨。
En: When they wanted to return, the snow intensified, making the path hard to distinguish.
Zh: 经过一番努力,他们终于找到了大队人马的踪迹。
En: After some effort, they finally found traces of the main group.
Zh: 小兰看到他们平安回来,长舒了一口气。
En: Seeing them return safely, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief.
Zh: 回程的路上,梅岭分享了她的经历,尽管小兰叹了口气,但也被梅岭的故事所吸引。
En: On the way back, Meiling shared her experience, and although Xiaolan sighed, she was also drawn in by Meiling's story.
Zh: 国威也感受到了一种不同以往的体验,他轻轻一笑,说:“未来的旅行,我们可以多尝试一些新东西。”
En: Guowei also felt a different kind of experience, and he smiled gently, saying, "In future trips, we can try more new things."
Zh: 梅岭微微点头,她感受到了历史的力量,也知道责任与冒险之间的平衡有多么重要。
En: Meiling nodded slightly, feeling the power of history and realizing the importance of balancing responsibility and adventure.
Zh: 这次旅行,让他们收获了一个不一样的春节故事。
En: This trip provided them with a unique Spring Festival story.
Zh: 长城的远方,依旧在宁静的冬日中延伸,而梅岭、国威和小兰的身影渐渐消失在回家的路上,心中却多了一份温暖的记忆。
En: In the distance, the Great Wall continued to extend quietly in the winter, while the silhouettes of Meiling, Guowei, and Xiaolan gradually disappeared on the way home, leaving them with a warm memory in their hearts.
Vocabulary Words:
- curiosity: 好奇心
- landscape: 大地
- silence: 寂静
- monitor: 班长
- ensuring: 确保
- associate: 联想
- frowned: 皱起眉头
- reluctant: 不甘
- restless: 心神不宁
- pleaded: 请求
- support: 支持
- peaceful: 安详
- serene: 静谧
- crumbling: 断垣
- reverence: 敬意
- intensified: 越来越大
- distinguish: 分辨
- effort: 努力
- safe: 平安
- relief: 长舒
- experience: 经历
- gentle: 轻轻
- different: 不一样的
- balance: 平衡
- adventure: 冒险
- unique: 不一样的
- silhouettes: 身影
- extends: 延伸
- memory: 记忆
- warm: 温暖
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.com |
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