Eros - The Prince of Poetry

16 mar 2021 · 31 min. 10 sec.
Eros - The Prince of Poetry

Here is a person you should know. His name is Christian Bowie aka Eros The Prince of Poetry. Chicago has some great spoken word artist and poets and Christian Bowie...

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Here is a person you should know. His name is Christian Bowie aka Eros The Prince of Poetry. Chicago has some great spoken word artist and poets and Christian Bowie is among them. He holds a event called Hot Chocolate Poetry, where he gives up and coming poets a chance to speak. He's an National Award Winning Poet, a Recording Artist, and the 2020 Ham Slam Champion. His latest album is on all streaming services, "The LOVE HER Album".
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Autore Calvin Gibbs
Organizzazione Calvin Gibbs
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