Episode 8 - Pharmacy

21 mar 2021 · 11 min. 45 sec.
Episode 8 - Pharmacy

This week's episode is with Ciarán Smith who talks about what it is becoming a pharmacist. Ciarán talks about researching going to the UK, researching courses and comparing the CAO...

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This week's episode is with Ciarán Smith who talks about what it is becoming a pharmacist. Ciarán talks about researching going to the UK, researching courses and comparing the CAO and UCAS. Ciarán talks about the challenges of moving abroad and coming back to work in the community.

He spoke about working in different locations, training in the UK and the course load. Ciarán gives some great advice for studying abroad, training and tips for subject choice. It is really useful content for anyone interested in science or becoming a pharmacist. 
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