Episode 64 (#28DaysOfBlackCosplay, Wakanda Series, EA College Football, Future State: Gotham and more)

8 feb 2021 · 20 min. 8 sec.
Episode 64 (#28DaysOfBlackCosplay, Wakanda Series, EA College Football, Future State: Gotham and more)

Nix salutes Black History Month and Black Cosplayers before dropping the news on the Wakanda TV series, the return of College Football to video game consoles, the continuation of DC's...

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Nix salutes Black History Month and Black Cosplayers before dropping the news on the Wakanda TV series, the return of College Football to video game consoles, the continuation of DC's Future State and much more!
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Autore DYSG Media
Organizzazione Do You Speak Geek?
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