Episode 629 Preview | Clarence Thomas' Wife Targets Black Voters #WalkAway | AOC's Terrifying Message

24 lug 2018 · 20 min. 25 sec.
Episode 629 Preview | Clarence Thomas' Wife Targets Black Voters #WalkAway | AOC's Terrifying Message

Last night the wife of Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, shared #Walkaway propaganda that used stock photos of Black people to make it seem as though Black folks were leaving...

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Last night the wife of Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, shared #Walkaway propaganda that used stock photos of Black people to make it seem as though Black folks were leaving the Democratic Party for the GOP.

They've started an all-out psyop war two years in advance of the 2020 election with the singular purpose of reelecting Donald Trump.

Also, check out the terrifying clips of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shared by Fox News last night.

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