Episode 5. Gaza civilians under siege and the global outrage grows (11 Nov 2023)

5 ott 2024 · 9 min. 52 sec.
Episode 5. Gaza civilians under siege and the global outrage grows (11 Nov 2023)

As the Israeli military’s bombardment of Gaza intensifies, the world watches in outrage. With over 10,000 Palestinians killed, including more than 4,000 children, Gaza has become what UN Secretary General...

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As the Israeli military’s bombardment of Gaza intensifies, the world watches in outrage. With over 10,000 Palestinians killed, including more than 4,000 children, Gaza has become what UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres described as a “graveyard for children”. The relentless targeting of civilians and critical infrastructure has created a humanitarian crisis that demands urgent international intervention.
In this episode, we explore the mounting global pressure on Israel to cease its attacks, the growing disgust with the actions of the Israeli military, and the implications of continued inaction from the international community. From the Group of Seven meeting in Japan to emergency talks in the UK, the world’s leaders are beginning to react—but is it too little, too late?
We also discuss the disturbing narrative in some media that frames the devastation as a PR victory for Hamas, a perspective that obscures the reality of 10,000 civilian deaths. The disturbing images and stories emerging from Gaza are not propaganda—they are real, and they are heartbreaking.
In Australia, we saw political responses with a Senate walkout led by the Australian Greens, and a growing frustration within the Labor Party about Israel’s actions. Former leaders like Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson made ‘solidarity trips’ to Israel, but their visits raised questions about their motives. Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called out these visits, urging a more diplomatic approach.
As international action becomes inevitable, what are the next steps, and who will speak for the Palestinian people? 
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Autore New Politics Australia
Organizzazione New Politics Australia
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