Episode 26 - Nurturing The Un-Natural You #TheUntetheredWei

22 apr 2022 · 16 min. 32 sec.
Episode 26 - Nurturing The Un-Natural You #TheUntetheredWei

The double-edged sword nature of being human is such that our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses... Our ability to adapt is amazing and allows us to survive pretty...

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The double-edged sword nature of being human is such that our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses...

Our ability to adapt is amazing and allows us to survive pretty much anywhere...


Because we can "learn" to do so.

But the question is... JUST because we can...should we?

In this week's episode of #TheUntetheredWei, Wei dives into the age old struggle with discerning between the Nurtured Self vs. the Nature of Self and how often times, we can allow ourselves to be nurtured and continue TO nurture ourselves as adults to perform and live in ways that's UN-Natural to what is optimal for us.

And what is Un-Natural and Natural is different for EVERYONE.

If you've ever struggled with doing things JUST to survive in spite of your deeper instincts, then this is an episode that you'll really want to sink your teeth into.

Wanna go deeper? No problem!

Join the Untethered & Prosperous: Coffee Chats Exclusive Members-Only Podcast here to do just that: https://bit.ly/u-and-p-coffee-chats-invite
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Autore Untethered & Prosperous
Organizzazione The 6 Figure Academy Studio
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