Episode 21: Discussing the recent anti-immigration protests with an Egyptian

28 lug 2024 · 19 min. 11 sec.
Episode 21: Discussing the recent anti-immigration protests with an Egyptian

Today, our guest was Muhammed, an Egyptian living in Turkey. This wasn't a typical Alienated Voices episode, as we mainly discussed the recent sociopolitical events dominating the fabric of our...

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Today, our guest was Muhammed, an Egyptian living in Turkey. This wasn't a typical Alienated Voices episode, as we mainly discussed the recent sociopolitical events dominating the fabric of our country. We saw racist and xenophobic protests arising towards the Syrians and immigrants in many parts of the country. We discussed why the anti-immigration sentiment emerged in many countries like Turkey in the first place. He shared his experiences with the Turkish people and how he navigated this society. We uphold the view that if we embrace each other's differences, we could build a more inclusive and comprehensive country. 
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Autore Can Sinan Canpolat
Organizzazione Can Sinan Canpolat
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