
Episode 200 - Movies That Shaped Us

10 ott 2024 · 1 h 17 min. 27 sec.
Episode 200 - Movies That Shaped Us

In this special episode, each of us shared five movies that have profoundly impacted who we are today. These aren’t just the blockbusters or cult classics we love watching; these...

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In this special episode, each of us shared five movies that have profoundly impacted who we are today. These aren’t just the blockbusters or cult classics we love watching; these are the films that helped define our perspectives on film and even our bonds with each other. From timeless epics to quirky indie gems, these films illustrate our unique takes on cinema and show how the medium has influenced our lives and relationships.

This episode was a true celebration of the way cinema has woven itself into our lives and friendships. What movies define your tastes? We’d love to hear from you!
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Autore The Nerd Party
Organizzazione The Nerd Party

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