Episode 19: The Time for Choosing (May 7, 2022)

7 mag 2022 · 46 min. 11 sec.
Episode 19: The Time for Choosing (May 7, 2022)

In this episode of Reclaim Catholic, Catholic evangelist Jacob Nelson explains that the time to choose is upon us. There is no room left to wander between being faithful or...

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In this episode of Reclaim Catholic, Catholic evangelist Jacob Nelson explains that the time to choose is upon us.

There is no room left to wander between being faithful or unfaithful. The enemy is at the gates and they seek to disrupt our churches. Be vigilant, reject the lies of the world and choose the Lord.

Roe may be overturned, Pfizer lied their rear end off and the government wants to silence you. The Church is our only safe harbor.

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Autore WCAT Radio
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