Episode 13: Alerts to Parents and Guardians (April 25, 2021)

26 apr 2021 · 1 h 11 min. 6 sec.
Episode 13: Alerts to Parents and Guardians (April 25, 2021)

In this episode of Trumpet for the Protection of Life, Catholic missionary and evangelist, Emmanuel Peter Kahama, advises his listeners to be careful for how relatives behave when they come...

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In this episode of Trumpet for the Protection of Life, Catholic missionary and evangelist, Emmanuel Peter Kahama, advises his listeners to be careful for how relatives behave when they come close to our children because most of the abuses to children are done by people closest to them. Our guest speaker, Ms. Sakina Safari, presents her views basing on her experiences. Hope you will enjoy. (April 25, 2021)
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