Episode 01: Favorite Movie Theater Experience with Bobby Blakey

7 giu 2024 · 33 min. 10 sec.
Episode 01: Favorite Movie Theater Experience with Bobby Blakey

In this, our first episode, my guest is Bobby Blakey of Hollywood Matrimony. https://www.hollywoodmatrimony.com He's an old friend, a Muay Thai teacher, a movie reviewer, a comic artist, and all-around...

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In this, our first episode, my guest is Bobby Blakey of Hollywood Matrimony.

He's an old friend, a Muay Thai teacher, a movie reviewer, a comic artist, and all-around swell cat!

In this episode, we discuss our favorite Movie Theater Experiences.

Here's links for some of the locations we discussed:
Regal Theater: https://www.regmovies.com/theatres/regal-ua-galaxy-theatre-dallas/1306#/buy-tickets-by-cinema?in-cinema=1306&at=2023-10-09&view-mode=list
General Cinema 1 and 2. Article link: Cinema Treasures dot org https://cinematreasures.org/theaters/11628

Suggestions for future conversations are always welcome. Send us an email at theresoundingcollective@yahoo.com

The Resounding Collective Podcast is brought to you by Valkyrie Works, LLC. https://tinyurl.com/Valkyrie-Works
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Autore Jonathan Doan
Organizzazione GoogleMerge thejuggler (kodiak
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