Ep108- AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend on Medical Tyranny: "It Feels Like We're In a War For People's Rights"

15 feb 2022 · 33 min. 22 sec.
Ep108- AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend on Medical Tyranny: "It Feels Like We're In a War For People's Rights"

Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend joins the MAGA Institute Podcast to discuss her experience of the medical tyranny plaguing America firsthand, both in hospitals and in Senate committee hearings. From...

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Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend joins the MAGA Institute Podcast to discuss her experience of the medical tyranny plaguing America firsthand, both in hospitals and in Senate committee hearings. From heart-wrenching stories of patients being left alone covered in flesh-eating ants to willful denial of basic medical treatments and any shred of human decency. Sen […]
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Autore MAGA Institute
Organizzazione MAGA Institute
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