
Ep07: The Harbinger

25 giu 2023 · 25 min. 8 sec.
Ep07: The Harbinger

Emily and Marcus find themselves in a concerning situation with Harp. September and Hastings decide what they are going to do about Emily. Cast in order of appearance: Emily is...

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Emily and Marcus find themselves in a concerning situation with Harp. September and Hastings decide what they are going to do about Emily.

Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Harp is voiced by Stitch Mayo.
With special guest as the Contra Operator.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.

Additional Info:
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Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.

Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
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Autore Creative Typo Entertainment
Organizzazione Creative Typo Entertainment
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