Ep. 807 Jesse Cole | Go Bananas!

7 nov 2022 · 34 min. 56 sec.
Ep. 807 Jesse Cole | Go Bananas!

We’re dancing around the bases today with an episode that is bound to be BANANAS. Jesse Cole is an entrepreneurial sensation who does business differently. He has - and this...

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We’re dancing around the bases today with an episode that is bound to be BANANAS. Jesse Cole is an entrepreneurial sensation who does business differently. He has - and this is no exaggeration - transformed America’s pastime into an unforgettable baseball circus known around the world. It’s got new rules, new moves and a new fan experience that has taken the game by storm. Jesse Cole is a two-time best-selling author, in-demand speaker and owner of TikTok’s favorite team, The Savannah Bananas. His unprecedented aptitude for fun earned him viral popularity in a way that few things have. But a willingness to take risk - even fail - helped him discover a fan-focused movement that will keep you on the edge of your seat, in baseball and in business.

For more about Jesse Cole please visit: https://findyouryellowtux.com/about/
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Autore Joel Goldberg
Organizzazione Joel Goldberg
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