
Ep 75: "Frosty and Charlie Brown Christmas" Revisited

22 dic 2020 · 57 min. 51 sec.
Ep 75: "Frosty and Charlie Brown Christmas" Revisited

A very special Christmas special rewatch...episode special. This year, we revisited two TV classics, “Frosty the Snowman” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Beloved for decades by kids young and old,...

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A very special Christmas special rewatch...episode special. This year, we revisited two TV
classics, “Frosty the Snowman” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Beloved for decades by kids
young and old, these winter wonders are viewing essentials. But what happens when we put
them through an only marginally merry middle-aged lens in 2020? What is the real message of
Frosty? And, does Lucy have a future in mental health care? The Old Roommates try and make
sense out of all the yuletide sensationalism. Listen to this.
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