Ep.46 : Roster Update and Part 1 of the 64 player Villains Bracket

17 giu 2019 · 53 min. 30 sec.
Ep.46 : Roster Update and Part 1 of the 64 player Villains Bracket

The 2019-20 Cats will have a lot of roster changes and Brad, Steven and Tim give us Part 1 of the all-time Arizona Basketball Villains Tournament. 64 of the most...

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The 2019-20 Cats will have a lot of roster changes and Brad, Steven and Tim give us Part 1 of the all-time Arizona Basketball Villains Tournament. 64 of the most hated UA opponents have a chance at this one of a kind championship. Bear Down!
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Autore Uncle Walt
Organizzazione Uncle Walt
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