Ep. 44: Nothing lost in human relationships: Moral lessons from a children's science textbook

29 nov 2020 · 14 min. 31 sec.
Ep. 44: Nothing lost in human relationships: Moral lessons from a children's science textbook

If win-win relationships are possible, why should we want any part of a win-lose or lose-win? Yet lose-win is what conventional morality offers us explicitly if we take it seriously....

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If win-win relationships are possible, why should we want any part of a win-lose or lose-win? Yet lose-win is what conventional morality offers us explicitly if we take it seriously. And we ought to take it seriously. Our self-esteem and mental health depend on it.

Hear how an elementary school science textbook made this issue clear to Matthew during a private lesson with a Korean junior high school student, as the text discussed the three symbiotic relationships: mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. And hear why only mutualism is fit for human beings.

Watch this episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyW0VYjonro

Learn more at https://matthewboulton.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/matthewboulton.ca/
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Autore Matthew Boulton
Organizzazione Matthew Boulton
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