Ep. 215 - Have the Celtics and Bucks Have Separated Themselves From the Pack?

30 nov 2022 · 37 min. 9 sec.
Ep. 215 - Have the Celtics and Bucks Have Separated Themselves From the Pack?

Jet and Sap return after the Thanksgiving holiday, and take a look at the current standing across the NBA. In the East, they agree that Boston and Milwaukee have stood...

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Jet and Sap return after the Thanksgiving holiday, and take a look at the current standing across the NBA. In the East, they agree that Boston and Milwaukee have stood out as the class of the conference, with both expected to get even more help soon via returns from injuries. They debate who threatens those teams the most, and then turn their attention to the Western Conference. The guys examine how tightly packed the West is right now, and speculate that one big trade may be what puts a team over the top.
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Autore Full Press Coverage
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