Ep. 11 - Safety Research Crash Course

8 ott 2024 · 32 min. 58 sec.
Ep. 11 - Safety Research Crash Course
Safety is a multi-discipline endeavor. Jessica Cicchino, Senior VP of Research from the IIHS-HLDI, was our guide through the many ways that her organization brings together professionals from a variety of specialties and backgrounds to perform valuable research on the motor vehicles that traverse our roadways and the human behaviors that influence vehicle operation. The IIHS stays on top of the latest technology trends to provide consumers with information for an informed purchase. Sarah and Eric cherished the opportunity to speak with and relate to Jessica and her organization’s work because in one way or another we are all working to improve safety for our communities. 
Date of Recording: Monday, May 20, 2024 
Organizzazione David Duarte
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