Entitled Karen LOSES Her Mind When She Finds Out She Can't Drink In Public

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Entitled Karen LOSES Her Mind When She Finds Out She Can't Drink In Public
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Entitled Karen LOSES Her Mind When She Finds Out She Can't Drink In Public On April 9th, 2022 in Florida, Officers observed a woman who had been consuming a beer...
mostra di piùOn April 9th, 2022 in Florida, Officers observed a woman who had been consuming a beer in a public setting which by law it is illegal to consume any alcoholic beverage in public. When officers approached the woman, she wasn't very cooperative & failed to listen to the officer and walked away from them. When officers approached her again, she pushed them & even threw an officer to the ground, she was placed under arrest immediately. Once the officers tried to search the woman, she began to act very Entitled and didn't understand why she was being placed under arrest. The woman was extremely uncooperative & rude. At one point she began to ask for a lawyer before being placed into the squad car.
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