
Eloise's Quest: Finding Magic in Stationery Aisles

7 gen 2025 · 12 min. 38 sec.
Eloise's Quest: Finding Magic in Stationery Aisles

01 · Main Story

1 min. 44 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

9 min. 24 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Eloise's Quest: Finding Magic in Stationery Aisles Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Die mistige moeras was stil en...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Eloise's Quest: Finding Magic in Stationery Aisles
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Story Transcript:

Af: Die mistige moeras was stil en geheimnisvol.
En: The misty swamp was quiet and mysterious.

Af: Eloise, 'n jong meisie met groot drome, stap in die winkel in.
En: Eloise, a young girl with big dreams, walked into the store.

Af: Dit was tyd om skoolsakke vol nuwe beginne te koop.
En: It was time to buy school bags full of new beginnings.

Af: Die somerson skyn flou deur die mistige vensters.
En: The summer sun shone faintly through the misty windows.

Af: Binne was dit donker en knus.
En: Inside, it was dark and cozy.

Af: Rakke was vol grappies van potlode en papiere, maar alles lyk deurmekaar.
En: Shelves were full of bundles of pencils and papers, but everything looked disorganized.

Af: Pieter en Annelie, haar ouers, was saam met haar.
En: Pieter and Annelie, her parents, were with her.

Af: Hulle wou vinnig klaar maak.
En: They wanted to finish quickly.

Af: "Eloise, ons moet gou wees," sê Pieter.
En: "Eloise, we have to be quick," said Pieter.

Af: Maar sy het 'n spesiale boek gesoek wat haar sou inspirasie gee.
En: But she was looking for a special book that would inspire her.

Af: Vandat sy haar nuwe skooljaar begin, wou sy met selfvertroue vol woorde en tekeninge wees.
En: Since she started her new school year, she wanted to be full of words and drawings with confidence.

Af: Eloise het gesukkel.
En: Eloise struggled.

Af: Sy het geweet as sy haastig is, sou sy dalk iets mis.
En: She knew if she hurried, she might miss something.

Af: Haar ouers was in 'n spoed.
En: Her parents were in a rush.

Af: "Kies sommer hier iets," sê Annelie, maar niks lyk reg nie.
En: "Just pick something here," said Annelie, but nothing looked right.

Af: Hulle loop in die raserige gangetjies rond, die vloer kraak onder hulle stappe.
En: They walked around the noisy aisles, the floor creaking under their steps.

Af: In 'n onbekende hoek van die winkel ontdek Eloise iets besonders.
En: In an unknown corner of the store, Eloise discovered something special.

Af: Dit was 'n hoek vol kleurvolle skryfbehoeftes.
En: It was a corner full of colorful stationery.

Af: Haar oë het opgevlam van opwinding.
En: Her eyes lit up with excitement.

Af: Daar was 'n notaboek, helder en vol pret, en sy voel dit kan haar kreatiwiteit ontsluit.
En: There was a notebook, bright and full of fun, and she felt it could unlock her creativity.

Af: Die boek se voorkoms maak haar hart lig.
En: The appearance of the book made her heart light.

Af: Met die boek in haar hande, draai sy na haar ouers.
En: With the book in her hands, she turned to her parents.

Af: Hulle sien haar blydskap, haar vreugde.
En: They saw her happiness, her joy.

Af: "Mag ek nog 'n rukkie kyk?
En: "May I look for a little while longer?"

Af: " vra sy met groot oë.
En: she asked with big eyes.

Af: Pieter en Annelie sien hoeveel hierdie oomblik vir haar beteken, en hulle knik saam.
En: Pieter and Annelie saw how much this moment meant to her, and they nodded together.

Af: "Ons sal wag," sê Pieter, met 'n glimlag.
En: "We'll wait," said Pieter, with a smile.

Af: Eloise voel moediger, sy het haar eie tyd geneem en iets spesiaals gevind.
En: Eloise felt braver; she had taken her own time and found something special.

Af: Met haar nuwe skatte is hulle klaar om huis toe te gaan.
En: With her new treasures, they were ready to go home.

Af: Eloise het geleer dat om tyd te neem en na jou hart te luister, lei tot wonderlike ontdekkings.
En: Eloise learned that taking the time and listening to your heart leads to wonderful discoveries.

Af: Sy het haar instinkte vertrou en nou sien sy uit na die nuwe jaar met meer selfvertroue.
En: She trusted her instincts, and now she looks forward to the new year with more confidence.

Af: Die mistige moeras, met al sy geheime, het voor die son geswig.
En: The misty swamp, with all its secrets, had surrendered before the sun.

Vocabulary Words:
  • mysterious: geheimnisvol
  • misty: mistige
  • swamp: moeras
  • disorganized: deurmekaar
  • cozy: knus
  • inspire: inspirasie gee
  • confidence: selfvertroue
  • struggled: gesukkel
  • hurried: haastig
  • corner: hoek
  • stationery: skryfbehoeftes
  • lit up: opgevlam
  • creativity: kreatiwiteit
  • appearance: voorkoms
  • excitement: opwinding
  • joy: vreugde
  • instincts: instinkte
  • discoveries: ontdekkings
  • surrendered: geswig
  • bundle: grappie
  • notebook: notaboek
  • treasures: skatte
  • noisy: raserige
  • aisles: gangetjies
  • creaking: kraak
  • look forward: sien uit
  • secret: geheim
  • flourishing: florering
  • unlock: ontsluit
  • dawn: dageraad
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