Easy Self Care Ideas to Reduce the Overwhelm in Midlife

25 lug 2024 · 29 min. 38 sec.
Easy Self Care Ideas to Reduce the Overwhelm in Midlife

Join me and my guest, Heather from Orengia Solutions, as we discuss midlife and its challenges. Heather will provide us with some easy self-care ideas that don't cost a lot...

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Join me and my guest, Heather from Orengia Solutions, as we discuss midlife and its challenges. Heather will provide us with some easy self-care ideas that don't cost a lot of money or a lot of time. Heather aims to help overwhelmed midlife women thrive through personalized time management, habit-building, and well-being guidance.
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Autore The Transformation Network™
Organizzazione The Transformation Network
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